Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I find myself asking why quite often. And while this is by no means a unique observation, the nature of the specific 'why's are. For instance,

While many find obsessing over the minutia of celebrities lives a fulfilling 'why', I find the question of why they do so a much more intriguing question. And not only in the sense that I don't understand the interest personally, but also in the general societal sense. Is our culture so void of new horizons that it has no choice but to feast upon itself only to turn around and eat the leavings? Or is it simply mass schadenfreude and voyeurism perpetuated by soulless tabloid editors and cable programmers with airtime to fill?

But in all seriousness, how are the products of the paparazzi more interesting than the wonders of the world around us? Human knowledge, and with it a mastery of technology, is know expanding at an exponential rate, doubling every ten years. Those born today will likely see advancements on a scale that would in the past have spanned a dozen lifetimes. In the areas of computing, biotech, and quantum engineering, technologies are set to increase in power a billion fold in the next 30 years. Never before in all of human history has so much knowledge been available to so many with such ease. Advances that just 10 years ago would have garnered banner headlines are now everyday occurrences, this rate of advance is itself awe inspiring.

So why the interest in gossip and fluff over knowledge and understanding? Is it just too much too process? Is it actually less interesting? Is it an alien conspiracy to distract us? I ask in earnest. Why are many, if not most, people disinterested in science and technology?

I invite your comments.